You’ve retired but find yourself a bit pinched for money each month. You’d like to save for a vacation or other special event, or even contribute to your grandchildrens’ tuition. Or—it’s OK, you can admit it—you actually miss going to work.
If any of the above scenarios resonate with you, consider re-entering the workforce, tapping into work in your former profession, or trying something new. In fact, AARP reports that of the people still employed at age 62, about 40 percent of them had switched fields at age 55, making them relatively new to their professions.
If you are looking for a second act in life, here are some jobs to consider:
Special projects or consulting work: After three or four decades in the workforce, you’ve likely built a strong network. Why not tap into it? Contact former colleagues or past employers to see if they have any short-term projects that could use your expertise: Remember that youngster you hired 20 years ago, giving her a job right out of college? She might be in the position to hire you—her mentor—now. Or maybe you’re a member of a club or service organization that could use your skills. A retired accountant, for example, could pay the bills and balance the books for the group.
There are a number of websites that can link you with jobs as a consultant. Also consider LinkedIn Pro Finder, a matchmaking service of sorts for companies and workers.
Short-term assignments: You’re a retired nurse, but your local hospital is understaffed. You’re a retired teacher, but the English teacher at your local high school is going on maternity leave. You’re a retired attorney, and your former firm is inundated with contract reviews. Each of these scenarios is a chance for you to find work on a short-term basis.
By keeping your resume up-to-date and renewing any required professional licenses, you can apply for these positions even without seeing a job posting. Contact the appropriate employers in your field—hospitals or doctors’ offices for nurses, school districts for teachers—and share your resume. Let them know you are looking for a short-term job, or a fill-in job here and there. This strategy isn’t limited to these fields. Temporary staffing comes into play in almost every industry.
A staffing agency also could help you to find short-term work. Each year, nearly 17 million temporary and contract employees find work through such avenues. Signing on for a short time in your area of expertise will help you make a little bit of extra money but also provide a number of employers with a reliable, short-term staffing solution.
Seasonal jobs: Retailers always need extra help for the two or three months leading up to the holiday. In the 2018 holiday season, United Parcel Service announced it intended to hire 100,000 workers for part-time work. Retailers across the country were expected to add another 700,000 employees. Even if your career wasn’t in retail, store managers will appreciate having a dependable retiree like you on staff and will offer training. You’ll appreciate the extra income, and any type of employee discount that can help out with your holiday shopping.
Seasonal positions aren’t limited to the end of the calendar year. Florists, for example, need help preparing arrangements or making deliveries at Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. Tax preparers take on thousands of extra employees at tax time, usually Jan. 1 through April 15. If that interests you, don’t wait until December to apply. Tax preparation training courses typically begin in early fall.
Turn your hobby into a job: Now that you’re retired, you can spend more time on the things you’ve always loved doing but never had time to pursue as a career. Think about these possibilities.
- You’ve always grown your own fruits and vegetables, so why not expand your output and sell to others? With more than 8,600 farmers markets now registered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it is more and more likely that you’ll be able to find one near you.
- Physical fitness. A workout buff? Consider becoming a certified personal trainer. Older clients will welcome getting in shape with someone their age.
- The arts, such as jewelry making, woodworking, knitting or quilting. There are plenty of places to sell your wares, such as community craft fairs or websites like Aftcra, Etsy or iCraft.
Become a family personal assistant: Think about everything you did raising your own family: Chauffeur, launderer and personal chef are just some of the many tasks you’ve perfected. There are overtaxed families right in your own community who probably could use your services, such as driving their parents to appointments, walking the dog, doing errands and serving as a personal shopper. Advertise yourself on your neighborhood Facebook page or rely on word of mouth to spread the word of your new venture. Make a small investment in business cards that your children can pass out to their friends at the office or that your vet could give to clients looking for a pet sitter.
Retirement doesn’t mean you have to stop working. In fact, a fulfilling second career could be waiting for you. And the best part? It can be a career in which you set your own hours and work as much or as little as you want.

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