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Financial Education

Work-Life Balance in Your 60s – Enjoying a Partial Retirement

Older couple consults their tablet device to follow along with a cooking course.
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As you enter your 60s, you’re reaching the homestretch of your career. But just because your career is coming to an end, it doesn’t mean that you’ll suddenly have nothing to do. Between finishing up your career, enjoying your hobbies, and helping to raise your grandchildren, life in your 60s will still be busy. It’s important to maintain a work-life balance that makes it possible to do all of the things you want to do.

Use these tips to help you achieve a work-life balance that allows you to continue your career on your terms while giving you time to spend with your family and pursue your passions.

Try a Partial Retirement

If you’re like many seniors who are approaching retirement, you likely don’t want to completely stop working. You want to still be engaged with intellectual challenges and continue to earn a stable income.

Ask your current employer if you can move to a part-time role as part of a “partial retirement.” This will give you a consistent income with much more flexibility, all while reducing your overall stress levels. Another option is to start a second career in a field that means a lot to you, possibly public service, nonprofits or education.

See what skills you’ve built up over your career and use them as a key selling point to employers who will find them valuable, even in a part-time capacity.

Don’t Let Family Completely Take Over

One of the joys of retirement is having more time to spend with your grandchildren. This can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but it’s important that you don’t overdo it. Just as you don’t want to be a full-time professional anymore, you probably don’t want to be a full-time babysitter either.

Communicate to your family that while you are available for child care, it’s not the only thing you want to do with your retirement. Set a schedule that gives you time to spend with the grandkids and still allows you to work and pursue your hobbies and interests.

Continue to Maintain Your Network

If you plan on continuing to work, you’ll need to keep up with your network to ensure that potential opportunities don’t pass you by. Continue to attend industry or general professional events that will allow you to meet new people and catch up with existing contacts.

But it’s not just about keeping up with your professional network. Don’t neglect your personal network either. Making time for social outings with friends or even volunteering will give you a fun, positive outlet and keep your mind sharp.

Downsize and Declutter

If you’re trying out a partial retirement, your income is likely going to decrease. This means you have to be a lot more mindful about how each dollar gets spent when it comes to enjoying yourself in the present and staying ready for the future. It’s the perfect time to take stock of everything you own and figure out where you can downsize and declutter your life.

If the kids are out of the house, you may be in a good position to move into a smaller home that is less time- and money-intensive to maintain. Additionally, a second or third vehicle may be excessive with your new lifestyle, which means you can sell it. Even unwanted or barely used items can be sold off to clear some space and put a little extra cash in your pocket.

You may be approaching the end of your career, but you still have a lot going on and even more to look forward to. Achieving a good work-life balance in your 60s is critical to ensuring that you can make the most of this time in your life.

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